No Medical Life Insurance

No Medical Life Insurance  is a life insurance plan provided by Canada Protection Plan. With No Medical Life Insurance from Canada Protection Plan, you receive basic coverage: Death Benefit.

Death Benefit: Provides a tax-free lump-sum payment to your beneficiary or estate in the event of your death. Applies only if the policy has been in effect for two years. If death occurs in the first two years after the effective date then no benefit is due to your beneficiaries or estate.


Immediate Coverage: You’re protected from the day we receive your completed application, even before you pay your first premium.

Choice of Premiums: No Medical Life Insurance provides coverage based on the monthly premiums you select, as well as your age, gender, and smoking status. The premiums are guaranteed to never increase. You have the choice of coverage from $50,000 to $250,000.

What’s not covered:

  • No benefits will be paid if your death is within two years of the start of the policy. Your premiums will be refunded.
  • Your policy will become void due to material representation, omission or fraud, including misrepresentation of your smoking status.


Keep in mind that this information is only a summary. Actual terms, exclusions and limitations are explained in the policy that will be issued to you. You can always sign up for a 30-day free look to see full details in the terms and conditions of your No Medical Life Insurance policy. Please review carefully upon receipt.